A September 2023 Harvard Business Review article ("How to Address the Supply-Chain Staffing Crisis") states that "Our global supply chains are stressed and under pressure, not only because of [...]
In June 2024, Amazon announced "its largest reduction in plastic packaging in North America to date." This is the latest example of how Improving packaging can lead to benefits for transportation [...]
As we head into 2022, what is the probability of certain issues continuing or emerging in the new year? What will stay the same in the year ahead despite all the changes in supply chain management?
If you do a Google search on “inflation,” you get back more than 46 million hits, with many news items published in just the last few weeks. Simply put, many economists, business leaders, and [...]
In transportation and logistics operations, large quantities of data from ELDs, mobile apps, sensors, transportation management systems, and other sources are created and shared every day. How [...]
As reported by CNBC last week, starting today (May 24), "Amazon will stop requiring face masks for fully vaccinated workers inside warehouses, except where required by law...Amazon said in the [...]
What do we need to unlearn in supply chain management? I first addressed that question in a July 2017 post titled “Unlearning Supply Chain Management.” That post inspired us to ask our Indago [...]
How would you characterize your dock appointment scheduling process in terms of being able to plan and execute inbound and outbound shipments through your distribution centers as efficiently as [...]
One way to improve capacity utilization of trailers and carriers in transportation is via Collaborative Shipping — for example, where one or more shippers co-load freight on a trailer or [...]
Many current supply chain professionals say that they “fell into” the field — that is, they started their careers elsewhere but ultimately ended up in a supply chain role. [...]