Trust is defined as "the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something." How important is trust in supply chain management? What factors contribute most to [...]
As reported by Sky News in September 2023, "The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) said that analysis of data from over 900 companies employing 6.5 million staff found an [...]
The race for President of the United States is getting started, with the first debate amongst candidates held last week. If a debate were held to solely discuss supply chain related topics, what [...]
At WSJ Tech Live last week, Craig Federighi, SVP of software engineering at Apple, commented on Apple's requirement for workers to return to the office: "We're better, and we're happier, when [...]
According to Wikipedia, “Gleicher’s Formula” for change (D x V x F > R = ∆) was created by David Gleicher while he was working at Arthur D. Little in the early 1960s. The variables are defined as [...]
With supply chains experiencing ongoing risks and disruptions, keeping your CEO and CFO informed of what is happening is more important than ever. How frequently do you update your CEO/CFO on [...]
As reported by Bloomberg recently, "Supply-chain managers quit their jobs last year at the highest rate since at least 2016 due to a mix of burnout and a desire for fatter paychecks...For [...]
In an AP-GfK poll conducted in November 2013, only one-third of Americans at the time said most people can be trusted. That was down from half who felt that way in 1972, when the General Social [...]
“Leaders today need to revisit an overlooked skill: asking questions," says John Hagel III in a Harvard Business School Review article titled, “Good Leadership Is About Asking Good Questions.” [...]
The word “chain” implies fixed, linear, rigid — things that are the opposite of today’s operating reality, where trading partner networks, business processes, and customer expectations are more [...]