A September 2023 Harvard Business Review article ("How to Address the Supply-Chain Staffing Crisis") states that "Our global supply chains are stressed and under pressure, not only because of [...]
Back in December 2023, we asked our Indago members if they were feeling optimistic or pessimistic about the year ahead from a supply chain management perspective. Now that we're a quarter into [...]
In an April 2015 Harvard Business Review article titled "There’s a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration," Ron Ashkenas writes, "Having worked with hundreds of managers over the years, [...]
"When you stop learning, you stop leading," says leadership expert Kenneth Blanchard. This is particularly true for supply chain professionals considering the rapid and ongoing changes in the [...]
There continues to be a lot of buzz about Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially its use in supply chain management. The latest example is ChatGPT, which defines itself as "a computer program [...]
As we head into 2022, what is the probability of certain issues continuing or emerging in the new year? What will stay the same in the year ahead despite all the changes in supply chain management?
In an AP-GfK poll conducted in November 2013, only one-third of Americans at the time said most people can be trusted. That was down from half who felt that way in 1972, when the General Social [...]
“Leaders today need to revisit an overlooked skill: asking questions," says John Hagel III in a Harvard Business School Review article titled, “Good Leadership Is About Asking Good Questions.” [...]
If you do a Google search on “inflation,” you get back more than 46 million hits, with many news items published in just the last few weeks. Simply put, many economists, business leaders, and [...]
As reported by Petra Sorge and William Boston in the Wall Street Journal in March 2021 (“Germany to Make Firms Responsible for Policing Abuses by Global Suppliers”): Germany is set to force [...]